South African VAT Calculator

Add or remove 15% VAT in a click with our online VAT calculator. Just type the price and click the button.
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How to use the VAT calculator

Calculating VAT for VAT-inclusive and VAT-exclusive prices in South Africa has never been easier. Only 3 easy steps for VAT calculation:

  • Check the VAT rate. It’s preset to 15%
  • Enter the net or gross sum
  • Click "Remove VAT" to deduct VAT from figure or "Add VAT" to calculate amount with VAT
VAT rate is set for SA
🗺️ Country of VAT South Africa
💷 Currency of VAT Rand (R)
📈 Standard rate 15% VAT
📉 Reduced rate 0% VAT

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Using our handy tool, you can easily include or exclude VAT from any value amount entered. Please share our calculator on social media, so that other people can also easily calculate VAT.

What are the features of Vatulator?

Our tool has a number of advantages over competitors, including calculation accuracy, ease of use and much more.
Works without internet

Works without internet

Vatulator is designed as a PWA. This makes it possible to do calculations even without access to the internet.

Export and share results

Export and share results

You can export the result as text and you can also share a link to the result with a single click.

Calculation history

Calculation history

Soon you will have the ability to keep a history of all VAT calculations. This can be useful in future for SARS e-invoicing.

Accurate results

Accurate results

Our calculator always rounds the number down. So, you can always be sure your calculations are correct.

Flexible tax rates

Flexible tax rates

Vatulator allows you to specify any tax rate, not just the standard South African VAT rate of 15%.

What is VAT and how much is it in South Africa?

VAT (known in some countries as a GST) is a tax, which is payable on sales of goods or services. The current standard rate of VAT is 15%. The reduced rates of VAT are 0%.

At you can find information on how to register for, calculate, pay and reclaim VAT, VAT rates, and VAT on property rules by businesses that are VAT registered.

How to work out VAT

Only 3 easy steps to calculate VAT online
step 1

Check the "VAT rate" (it’s pre-set to the SA VAT rate of 15%)

step 2

Enter the amount – net or gross price. Check full VAT rates list below

step 3

Click "Remove VAT" or "Add VAT" depending on what you want

How VAT Calculations Work

Following these simple steps can help you to calculate VAT backwards or forwards.
add vat calculation

VAT inclusive formula

If you want to add VAT to the price, you just need to divide the price by 100 and then multiply by (100 + VAT rate). That's all, you got the price including VAT - Gross price.


Add VAT calculation

For example, we will calculate VAT at a standard SA VAT rate of 15%. If your business sells goods and services for R500

  1. First, you need to divide the amount by 100%
  2. Then multiply this value by 115% (100 + 15)
  3. After the calculation, we get R575, which is the price including VAT

revers vat calculation

VAT exclusive formula

If you want to subtract VAT from the price, you need to divide the price by (100 + VAT rate) and then multiply by 100.  Now you know the price excluding VAT - Net price.

Remove VAT

Remove VAT calculation

For example, we will calculate VAT at a standard SA VAT rate of 15%. If your business sells goods and services for R500

  1. First, you need to divide the gross price by 115% (100 + 15)
  2. Then multiply the value obtained by 100%
  3. We get R434.78, which is the price excluding VAT

how to calculate VAT in excel

VAT calculation in Excel

If you need to calculate VAT for several products at once, it is easier to use Excel. I created a template – download it, it's free.

Download template
Antony Kidless
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